Food Parenting PRO

Learn how to teach parents the principles of positive feeding, including parental feeding styles, effective feeding practices, and how parents can influence their child’s eating behavior with Food Parenting PRO, an online healthcare professional workshop.

Nutrition Classes - Food Parenting Pro by Jill Castle, MS, RDN

Food Parenting PRO: A Workshop for Healthcare Professionals

Feeding children is one of the hardest jobs of parenthood, partly because parents may fall short on their knowledge of positive and effective feeding skills.

Childhood obesity, picky eating, and other nutrition challenges are influenced by how good a feeder one’s own parent is.

In my experience as a private practitioner and mom, I know how important good feeding skills are to a healthy, well-nourished, self-regulated eater.

Healthcare professionals who interact with families and their children are poised to help parents cope with challenging eating behaviors and food choices.

However, it takes up-to-date knowledge of positive food parenting, including parental feeding styles, feeding practices, and the influence of parents on eating behavior in kids.

Fresh fruit. Food Parenting PRO nutrition class for healthcare professionals.

This interactive, evidence-based nutrition class series will help you learn the essentials of good food parenting.

Use this knowledge in your healthcare practice to teach families the skill sets and strategies they need for raising healthy kids. 

Food Parenting PRO Will Help You

  • Be more proficient in your knowledge of feeding styles and feeding practices
  • Implement effective feeding strategies in your work with families 
  • Quickly identify negative practices and help families correct these, improving parent-child interactions
  • Bring creative ideas in the areas of structure, boundaries, choice, monitoring and nutrition education for families
  • Develop more meaningful interactions in your work with families, offering comprehensive feeding and food information  

This Food Parenting Class for Professionals Helps Parents Feed Better

Parents need guidance in feeding their kids.

As a knowledgeable healthcare professional, you can help parents understand:

  • the evidence behind feeding styles and feeding practices 
  • ways to implement structure and boundaries in the food environment 
  • what it means to offer reasonable choice and natural consequences
  • the role of maternal (and paternal) monitoring, along with effective techniques, and 
  • how to build a child’s autonomy with eating.
A food buffet - Food Parenting PRO nutrition class for healthcare professionals. Learn how to help parents be better feeders.

Who Is This For?

Healthcare professionals who work with children and families, such as school professionals, WIC, childcare or those in private practice.

How Is It Delivered?

Online presentations and interactions on a membership site. The four, 2-hour sessions can be viewed at your leisure, 24/7. Discussion, references, and handouts included.

Food Parenting PRO Cost: $297

Food Parenting PRO logo

NOTE: Approved by the Commission for Dietetic Registration for 8 CEUs through February 2020. Certificate of participation available upon completion.

Learn Positive Feeding Practices

Confidently implement positive parenting strategies with food and feeding that work with families.

Identify Roadblocks to Feeding Kids

Identify counter-productive feeding and work with families to improve parental feeding styles, feeding practices and child eating behavior.

Manage Problematic Food Dynamics

Effectively manage difficult food dynamics & parenting challenges while offering creative solutions.

Food Parenting PRO Outline

Session 1 : Food Parenting Overview and Feeding Styles

Lesson: 60 minutes
Case Study: 15 minutes Discussion/Questions recording: 45 minutes
Total time: 2 hours

Session 2: Coercive Control and Feeding Practices

Lesson: 60 minutes
Case Study: 15 minutes Discussion/Questions recording: 45 minutes
Total time: 2 hours

Session 3: Structure and Monitoring

Lesson: 60 minutes
Case Study: 15 minutes Discussion/Questions recording: 45 minutes
Total time: 2 hours

Session 4: Supporting Autonomy

Lesson: 60 minutes
Case Study: 15 minutes Discussion/Questions recording: 45 minutes
Total time: 2 hours